
Discover the innovation of Eyedea Recognition, a leader in visual recognition technologies. Since 2006, our company has been committed to providing advanced solutions through AI and machine learning at the Czech Technical University in Prague. Our technologies not only optimize license plate recognition, but also revolutionize the areas of transportation, biometrics and object tracking. With a clear focus on ethics and data protection, we support partners worldwide in integrating advanced algorithms. Rely on our expertise to make your processes more efficient and secure. Experience how Eyedea Recognition can solve your visual recognition challenges - start your journey into the future of technology today.


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2 products

Eyedea Traffic Analyzer erkennt Mercedes-Benz Fahrzeug und liest Nummernschild auf einer städtischen Straße.Eyedea Recognition Firmenlogo für Verkehrsanalysesoftware.
Eyedea Traffic Analyzer Sale price€0,00 EUR
KI-gestützte ANPR-Software liest Nummernschilder von Autos in einer StadtstraßeLogo von Eyedea Recognition, einer auf KI-Funktionen basierenden ANPR-Software zur präzisen Erkennung und Lesung von Nummernschildern.
Eyedea Forensic ANPR Sale price€0,00 EUR